Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Post #9: Global Dimming

The idea that the sun is producing less solar energy when the temperature is increasing is puzzling. However, since global warming is caused by greenhouse gases neglecting to release heat back out of the atmosphere this is a good thing. If the sun were increasing solar energy simultaneously with global warming we probably would have fried like bacon by now. The idea of the pan evaporation decreasing sparks a memory of mine. Not long after moving to Florida from Minnesota I hung a wet towel outside to dry. Because the temperature was rather hot outside I assumed it wouldn't take long. After going to retrieve the towel several hours later I noticed it had not seemed to have dried even the slightest bit. I then concluded that it must have been because of the humidity, or amount of moisture in the air not allowing it to dry. It seems as though I was partially correct with this analysis of the situation. Evaporation levels are effected by both humidity and heat. As far as pollution being the culprit of global dimming, this does not surprise me. If pollution is not allowing as much heat to escape the atmosphere it is likely not letting as much in either. Thus, resulting in a decrease of solar energy. This decrease in solar energy affects the monsoon patterns in Africa, resulting in famine. Those who are busy criticizing scientists for being concerned with the planet while there are people starving need to look at the big picture. I' m not saying that ending global warming will feed the starving people in our world, but it definitely has a snowball affect, it has been proven over and over again.

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