Thursday, May 26, 2011

Post #6: Global Warming

Global warming has been a debated topic for quite some time now. Some realize the dangers we face if we don't do anything about it, while others believe it does not exist at all. Before watching the National Geographic videos on the subject I really did not know the severity of the issue. I thought that it was something that we didn't need to worry about for quit awhile. I was wrong. If we do not start changing our behavior now it will be too late. It was very scary to see what will happen to our planet if the earth gets one degree warmer let alone two or three. Just knowing that the melting of Greenland will cause so many major cities to flood is enough to start making changes. Not to mention the effects of rising temperatures in Alaska and parts of Canada is having on the disappearance of polar bears, caribou, and on many other animals that live in these colder climates. We, as a planet, need to find alternative sources for burning carbon fuel, which is what is causing the global climate change. Right now the planet is warming too quickly for the animals to adapt to the change. If we do not stop the earth's temperature form rising it will be the end of many species, which could inevitably result in the end of our as well. Global warming is in fact very much a reality. If we continue to go on as we have been there will be detrimental effects on our planet that are irreversible. We will be forced to make change at that point, but it will be too late.

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